Zaczalem od utworzenia nowego srodowiska:
time lucreate -c be0_xen66 -n be1_snv69 -m /:c0d0s3:ufs
Glowny system plikow mam na /dev/dsk/c0d0s0, partycja /dev/c0d0s3 byla pusta - specjalnie utworzona na potrzeby Live Upgrade.
Oto co otrzymalem:
Discovering physical storage devices
Discovering logical storage devices
Cross referencing storage devices with boot environment configurations
Determining types of file systems supported
Validating file system requests
The device name
Preparing logical storage devices
Preparing physical storage devices
Configuring physical storage devices
Configuring logical storage devices
ERROR: The system must be rebooted after applying required patches.
Please reboot and try again.
Hmm, wyglada jak nastepujace BUGI:
6488829, 6501968
Generalnie jest to spowodowane tym, ze LU nie widzi jakie mam dyski:
biosdev: Could not match any!!
Wiec zrobilem maly trik:
cd /sbin/
mv biosdev biosdev_orig
Aby dowiedziec sie jak system odwoluje sie do mojego dysku skorzystalem z 'format':
# format
Pokazal mi, ze dysk w laptopie jest reprezentowany nastepujaco:
Teraz trorze plik /sbin/biosdev aby mial nastepujaca zawartosc:
cat /sbin/biosdev
#! /bin/sh
echo "0x80 /pci@0,0/pci-ide@14,1/ide@0/cmdk@0,0"
Zmieniam mu prawa dostepu na wykonywalne:
chmod 755 /sbin/biosdev
I zaczynam ponownie tworzyc LU...
Efekt taki sam, nawet po restarcie ... (init 6)
Wiec sprobuje zrobic to na 'czystym' SXCE, bez Xena.
Uruchamiam ponownie, 'reboot' - bo nie chce mi sie czekac:)
Na czystym SXCE zarowno /sbin/biosdev jak i /sbin/biosdev_orig daja identyczne wyjscie:
> /sbin/biosdev
0x80 /pci@0,0/pci-ide@14,1/ide@0/cmdk@0,0
> /sbin/biosdev_orig
0x80 /pci@0,0/pci-ide@14,1/ide@0/cmdk@0,0
Powinno dzialac, uruchamiamy LU:
lucreate -c be0_xen66 -n be1_snv69 -m /:c0d0s3:ufs
Discovering physical storage devices
Discovering logical storage devices
Cross referencing storage devices with boot environment configurations
Determining types of file systems supported
Validating file system requests
The device name
Preparing logical storage devices
Preparing physical storage devices
Configuring physical storage devices
Configuring logical storage devices
Analyzing system configuration.
No name for current boot environment.
Current boot environment is named
Creating initial configuration for primary boot environment
The device is not a root device for any boot environment; cannot get BE ID.
PBE configuration successful: PBE name
Comparing source boot environment
system(s) you specified for the new boot environment. Determining which
file systems should be in the new boot environment.
Updating boot environment description database on all BEs.
Searching /dev for possible boot environment filesystem devices
Updating system configuration files.
The device is not a root device for any boot environment; cannot get BE ID.
Creating configuration for boot environment
Source boot environment is
Creating boot environment
Checking for GRUB menu on boot environment
The boot environment
Creating file systems on boot environment
Mounting file systems for boot environment
Calculating required sizes of file systems for boot environment
Populating file systems on boot environment
Checking selection integrity.
Integrity check OK.
Populating contents of mount point >.
Ok teraz tworzy sie drugie srodowisko uruchomieniowe nazwane jako '
Bierzace srodowisko uruchomieniowe nazwalismy 'be0_xen66'.
Musimy pamietac, ze system teraz kopiuje cala zawartosc glownej partycji, moze to troszke potrwac, szczegolnie na laptopie :)
kolejne komunikaty:
Creating shared file system mount points.
Creating compare databases for boot environment
Creating compare database for file system >.
Updating compare databases on boot environment
Making boot environment
Updating bootenv.rc on ABE
Population of boot environment
Creation of boot environment
W tym momencie mamy utworzone 2 BE, aby miec pewnosc wpisujemy:
# lustatus
Boot Environment Is Active Active Can Copy
Name Complete Now On Reboot Delete Status
-------------------------- -------- ------ --------- ------ ----------
be0_xen66 yes yes yes no -
be1_snv69 yes no no yes -
Gdy uruchomimy ponownie system bedziemy mieli dodatkowe wpisy w GRUBie, domyslnie jednak uruchomi sie be0_xen66.
Zeby to zmienic i uruchomic system z nowego srodowiska (nowej partycji) musimy zrobic:
# luactivate -n be1_snv69
Saving latest GRUB loader.
Generating partition and slice information for ABE
Boot menu exists.
Generating direct boot menu entries for ABE.
Generating direct boot menu entries for PBE.
The target boot environment has been activated. It will be used when you
reboot. NOTE: You MUST NOT USE the reboot, halt, or uadmin commands. You
MUST USE either the init or the shutdown command when you reboot. If you
do not use either init or shutdown, the system will not boot using the
target BE.
In case of a failure while booting to the target BE, the following process
needs to be followed to fallback to the currently working boot environment:
1. Do *not* change *hard* disk order in the BIOS.
2. Boot from the Solaris Install CD or Network and bring the system to
Single User mode.
3. Mount the Parent boot environment root slice to some directory (like
/mnt). You can use the following command to mount:
mount -Fufs /dev/dsk/c0d0s0 /mnt
4. Run
environment root slice, as shown below:
5. luactivate, activates the previous working boot environment and
indicates the result.
6. Exit Single User mode and reboot the machine.
Modifying boot archive service
GRUB menu is on device: .
Filesystem type for menu device:
Activation of boot environment
Aby obaczyc co sie stalo wpisujemy lustatus:
# lustatus
Boot Environment Is Active Active Can Copy
Name Complete Now On Reboot Delete Status
-------------------------- -------- ------ --------- ------ ----------
be0_xen66 yes yes no no -
be1_snv69 yes no yes no -
lustatus mowi, ze aktywny po restarcie bedzie nasz system w nowym BE
Aby poprawnie dokonczyc ta operacje musimy zrestartowac system poprzez np 'init 6', o czym mowi zdanie "
Zrobilismy w ten sposob kopie systemu, mozemy teraz testowac i psuc do woli :)
Jest to tylko kopia dzialajacego systemu, nie robilismy jeszcze upgrade'u do nowszej wersji SXCE, o tym w nastepnym poscie ...
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